Sunday 30 August 2009

5th Anniversary

Happy birthday my blog, happy birthday my blog ...
It's been more than five years now since I started pounding the keyboard to breathe virtual electronic life to the recipes that were just filed in my folders. From the prolific output of about twice a week posts to a dearth of once a month, I still hang onto this beloved blog.

I felt that five years is a milestone enough to warrant changing of the blog template as you can see. I wish the main window is wider so I can post bigger pictures but this is a free template and I don't have Photoshopping powers to alter it. That's alright. I think it's cute and a nice change from the bright one I had before.

Please bear with me I haven't included all the links that I had in the old template. Plus I'm still in the process of tweaking it here and there. I have to say Blogger's new modular template style is much better than before. It makes it much easier to add things or what it calls 'widgets'.

Happy anniversary again to my blog ... here's to five more years of food blogging.


A Scientist in the Kitchen said...

Wow, congratulations! It does take a commitment to blog. I'm only a year and half into blogging, and there are really times it's difficult to make a post. Hope to see more cooking from you :)


Four-eyed-missy said...

Congratulations on your first 5 years! I hope you continue to share your precious recipes to us :) More, more, more!! And I love the new template, by the way :)

celia kusinera said...

Thanks Gay and Sreisaat! :)

ChichaJo said...

Happy blog anniversary! Love the new template :)

steph said...

Congratulations! I love your new template. :) Hope you post more often now that you have a great layout. Heehee!